Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reeling and Healing Event

I just attended a Reeling and Healing Event. It is a 3 day event for women in various stages of cancer treatment. It was held in Grayling, MI on the Ausable River. We were shown how to fly fish and then were teamed up with a guide that worked one on one with us. I landed my first and only trout soon after getting in the water the first day. What an awesome feeling. I can't wait to go out again and am making plans to do just that with my brother, Brad. I was able to attend with 2 good friends from our tandem club, CJ and Mary. This event was really emotional. We had 17 year survivors and those that were Stage 4 and really sick. It was hard to say goodbye to those that weren't doing well. I just hope that we helped to lift their spirits just a little.

Fish On is the slogan for the event and it has new meaning for me now. I went to the retreat thinking that it meant that we were being given a new sport to enjoy. I know now that it will always mean to me to relax, be at peace and enjoy the simple things in life.

CJ brought her son's fly fishing equipment with her and loved learning the sport that he had loved so much. Josh died 6 years ago from cancer just before she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is a remarkable women that has been through a lot and I was really honored to be with her!

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