Tuesday, December 29, 2009

God's precious miracles

We were blessed once again with the birth of another grandchild. Katelyn Elizabeth Besteman was born last night at 10:55 pm. She weighed in at 7 lbs 6 oz and is 20 inches long. Robyn had an easy, short labor and both her and baby are doing well. We give thanks to God for blessing us once again. He has truly been there for our family this year!

The picture on the right is of Hailey meeting her cousin for the first time. Hailey is now 2 months old and weighs 10 lbs 10 oz. Check out the Calvin College t-shirt that she has on.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. We have been so blessed this year and this is a good time to sit back and thank God for all of those blessings.

I had my third surgery for the year on Tuesday. This time it was minor/outpatient surgery for a torn meniscus on both sides of my right knee. The surgery went really well and I am taking it easy with my leg elevated and iced periodically during the day. I am looking forward to pain free walking so that I can start to get back in shape for our next biking season.

Our vacation to Florida was really pleasant. We had great weather and lots of relaxation. It was a much needed break. Many thanks to Jerry and Marge Mathias and Steve and Kris Parker for putting us up for several nights. We also spent a week on Treasure Island with Len's sister (Marge) and brother-in-law(Mike). The attached picture was taken on the beach in front of the suites that we stayed in. I guess this is the closest Floridians get to having a snow man. What more could you ask for - great weather and great family and friends. I guess we could have asked for a longer vacation and more friends joining us! Maybe next year.

We are still waiting for our 5th grandchild to be born. Robyn and Dustin's second child is due December 26 and looks like it won't be coming early. They just hope that they get the extra tax deduction.

Have a Blessed Christmas!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy Holidays!

It is hard to believe that it has been 4 weeks since I finished radiation. The burns are finally feeling better and my energy is increasing. I have been working a few hours - trying to get a hang of the new computer system. It is really going to take a lot of work to feel comfortable. The other employees have been working on it for 6 months now, and are still struggling. Ugh! It does feel good to be getting my life back to normal though.

My hair is finally starting to fill out. I even got a little trimmed off this week to even it up. With the cold weather coming I am thankful to have hair!

Next week we are celebrating my 54th birthday and completion of treatment with a vacation in Florida. It will be so much fun to sit back and enjoy life! We have had a rough year - but now are done with the worst of it. I still have Herceptin infusions every 3 weeks and follow ups with my oncologist every 3 months, but am happy to be done with the rough stuff!

I went to an orthopedic doctor on Monday. I have been having a lot of pain in my right knee. In 2001 I was diagnosed with a torn meniscus, but with all our bicycling it hasn't bothered me until now. The surgeon said that I have also developed arthritis in that knee - probably due to the same injury. We have scheduled surgery for December 22 to have the meniscus repaired. I hope that I heal quickly since our daughter is due to have her baby on the 26th and of course we want to enjoy Christmas with the family. Len had the same surgery in February and was virtually pain free after the first day or so. I hope the same holds true for me.

Our granddaughter, Hailey is doing great. She is 5 weeks old and still as cute as ever. I am waiting for her newborn pictures to come in so that I can post some.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Hope that you all take time to really enjoy this season. I have learned this year to be very thankful for all God has given me. Serious illnesses can really make you stop, evaluate your life and appreciate what you have.