Saturday, February 28, 2009

A day at Grandma's

I'm at Mom's (again) today; I'm enjoying all the quality "mom time" I'm getting! (The kids are enjoying the visits too, and her new Wii!) Her house looks like a flower shop with all the beautiful flowers she has gotten. It smells so nice too! Click on picture to the right to enlarge and see flowers and cards recieved. 

Mom is slowly improving every day. She made it to the mailbox and back today. I think that qualifies for exercize.  :)  Dad's back at work so the kids and I are keeping her company until she kicks us out or falls asleep.  

Thanks again for all the prayers, dinners, flowers, and cards! 

-Julie & the kids (Caleb & Hunter)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Waiting for biopsies and Phase Two

We have told several people that we wouldn't be updating this blog until we know more.  It would seem, however, that our friends still want to know how Vonnie is doing.  Also, without a posting they don't know how long we need to wait for results of the biopsies.

We are into our second full day at home. Vonnie is "slowly improving".  She is up, dressed and showered.  As long as she isn't moving much there is very little pain.  Her arm hurts when she tries to raise it or reach with it. Raising the right arm is quite painful.  She is required to hold her arm upright for one hour three to four times per day to avoid lymphoedema.  She keeps it propped up on several pillows and once up it doesn't hurt.

We won't get the results of the biopsies of the lymph nodes and the left breast "tumor" until next Wednesday late afternoon.  We have our next appointment with the plastic surgeon on Thursday. Once we have the biopsy results we can start with Phase Two.  She will be on Herceptin every three weeks for a year.  We don't know yet if she will need Chemo, Radiation, both or neither. 

Thanks to everyone that has posted comments, emailed, sent cards and flowers and brought meals.  It is amazing to us the extent of the outpouring of support we have received.  I doubt we will post again until after we get the biopsy results.  I go back to work tommorrow (Friday) and will work all the hours the store is open thru next Wednesday afternoon at 4pm when we head off to the Doctor's office.

We thank God for all our friends and family.  We feel your arms around us.  Those that are reading this blog that would be you! 

Len (and Vonnie) 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Home from the hospital

We arrived home at 2:30pm!    Vonnie settled in to an easy chair and sent me out for drugs.  She is having some muscle spasms causing sharp pain expecially when lifting her right arm.  She is required to elavate her arm for one hour 3 to 4 times per day to avoid lymphedema.  Other than those spasms the pain is not too bad (she says) but she is taking the Vicodin anyway.  

As for me, I won't miss the hospital cot or food but I do miss the little button you can push and someone comes to wait on you.  Couldn't they supply that service at home?  

We consider "Phase one" over.  Now we wait for a biopsy report .... again.  Then we can begin "Phase two" whatever that entails.  Keep praying!  We need all the support you can give.


Following morning at the hospital

It is Tuesday morning. Vonnie says she slept well considering they kept waking her up. Her doctor came in at 6am followed by an assistant of the plastic surgeon at 6:30 and the plastic surgeon soon after that. She has "minimal" pain (3 on a scale of 10) although she hasn't been out of bed yet. So far acetaminophen has been sufficient. Her doctor says she needs to keep on top of the pain and still wants her to take something stronger. We figure that she wants Vonnie to feel like she can be up and around and that would require stronger pain meds so she stays active.

Breakfast came at 8:30am. Boy was she ready for that! She hadn't had anything since Sunday supper. The plan is discharge whenever she feels she is ready. She is currently thinking about going home mid-afternoon. They say she can as long as she tolerates her lunch.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Evening at the hospital - surgery done

Vonnie got out of recovery around 8:30pm. The doctors said everything went exactly as planned. We are now in her room and settling in for the night. By we, I mean that I am getting a cot and spending the night at the hospital next to my wife (much better than going to an empty house and obsessing over her).

Vonnie is doing pretty well. She is still a little groggy and is having some pain right now. She is trying to control it with Tylenol alone. She has the option of Vicodin or Dilaudid but is trying to avoid them if possible. I know some of our customers at the pharmacy would think she's nuts!

It will be at least a week before we get the results of the biopsy of the lymph nodes. We need to meet with her surgeon and her plastic surgeon and formulate the plan for the next steps.

The journey continues. We really appreciate all the prayers and notes of support. We love you all!

Len (and Vonnie)

At the hospital

Today is the day. Up at 7am to get ready. Our pastor came over at 8am for a brief talk and prayer session, then off to the hospital. At 10am she had a needle localization which is a placement of a needle in the left breast to mark a golf ball size non-cancerous tumor that is to be removed. It is the right breast that is scheduled for the mastectomy.

We sat in a patient room and started the wait. Surgery seemed a long way off with no food or water allowed. Our "kids" arrived around 1pm to keep us company. It helps to have family around.

Finally at 3:30 they take her to surgery after many hugs and tears. Vonnie's emotions are very raw and she has tears running down her cheeks as we see her off.

It is now approaching 4:30pm and we are in wait mode. 4 hours or so to go.... Waiting is not easy. The surgery is a right breast total mastectomy with completion axillary lymph node dissection. Simply put, they will take the right breast and all lymph nodes leaving most of the breast outer skin for reconstruction. The plastic surgeon is also involved and will start by inserting a tissue expander as the first step of reconstruction. The left breast is scheduled only for removal the the papilloma tumor.

I will follow up tonight or tomorrow. For now we wait...........................


Sunday, February 22, 2009

First entry -- getting up to date

This is our first attempt at a blog. It has been suggested by a couple individuals that this would be a good way to communicate our journey through dealing with breast cancer without our friends, family and acquaintances without having to explain it multiple times. Some of you have expressed concern that you don’t know when it is appropriate to call or ask questions and this should alleviate those concerns. From our point of view, this format allows us to explain the process as well as express those emotions that we would not put into letters or email and we will have a personal journal of our progress. So here goes…..

Based on an annual mammogram we were referred to a specialist. We got the diagnosis of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the breast …. Breast Cancer! This began a whirlwind of appointments and biopsies bringing us to this point. What we know as of today is that one breast has cancer that has spread into the lymph nodes. The opposite breast has a benign tumor as well. Tomorrow (Monday) is the “big day” for us…. SURGERY. Vonnie will have a mastectomy on one side which will include the lymph nodes and will have an excision of the growth in the opposite breast. The surgeon will be working along with a plastic surgeon who will begin the reconstruction process.

So, that brings things up to date. We will try our best to keep this site current. Thanks to all who have expressed their concern and love. We covet your prayers. Keep them coming! God is good and we WILL get through this.

Posted by Len