Monday, July 27, 2009

Medical error

Today was the second to last chemo treatment. The day did not go exactly as planned. Somehow the schedule of treatments got "screwed up". The Taxotere is on a every two week schedule and the Herceptin is on a every three week schedule. Taxotere was scheduled for today and Herceptin scheduled for next week since it was given two weeks ago. Someone got the schedule wrong and Vonnie got both Herceptin and Taxotere today. Normally we look at the IV bags to verify the name and drug but after 8 previous sessions we neglected to do so and didn't see the error in time. There is little chance of it causing any problems (we are told) other than possible issues with the insurance company. That problem belongs to the Doctor. Our problem is in the scheduling. The future Herceptin treatments will now be one week earlier than previously scheduled. That puts one of them scheduled for the same day as the already scheduled second Mastectomy and another during a planned vacation. We will need to work out changes in these treatment dates.

As for how Vonnie has been feeling, the past few days have been "pretty good". The body aches and fatigue are always present but have been much more tolerable as she approached this next treatment. In other words just as she starts getting "good days" it is time for chemo again. The good news is that there is only ONE more chemo treatment to go!

Since Vonnie's white blood count was low (barely high enough to receive chemo), she will have to have the Neulasta shot tomorrow. This will help to ensure that the surgery and radiation can go as scheduled. This is quite a disappointment, since this shot brings severe bone pain for two days starting approximately 24 hours after getting it. She can't wait for this to be over!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Feeling better

Only 2 more chemo's to go! I am starting to feel somewhat better. My lab tests today looked good, for that I am really thankful. My oncologist thought that I would need the Neulasta shot in order to continue chemo every two weeks. So far, so good - I have been able to keep up my white blood count without it. I thought that the chemo would be easier once I started Taxotere. That hasn't been the case. Thankfully I haven't had the fever that I experienced after the first Taxotere (other than one night). This chemo makes me ache all over for over a week and is giving me sore feet and hands (Hand and Foot Syndrome). I also have been treating a thrush infection for over 3 weeks. I am beginning to wonder if I will have thrush until well after the chemo is done. Fun!

Okay, I am done complaining. I am so thankful for the drugs available to treat this dreaded disease and to help me keep going. I can't imagine having the nausea that people experienced 20 years ago. I am also thankful to a great husband and family that have been by my side every step of the way. I am getting through this and one day I will be looking back praising God for healing me!

I hope that you take the time to enjoy your family and friends. They are God's blessing to us.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fever is back

Looks like we were too optimistic. I wrote this afternoon that I was feeling much better but tonight the fever has returned. I had 12 days of fever after the previous Taxotere infusion but the Doc said it must have been a virus and not caused by the drug. If the drug doesn't cause it then why is it back?

Two more to go!

We had a good week at the lake with the exception of last Thursday. My temperature spiked again and Len called the emergency line about 9 pm when it got up to 101.4. The doctor told us that we could probably wait until morning and then go in to the cancer center to have more lab tests run. On Friday morning my labs came out really good. My doctor has no idea what was causing the fever - but it is now gone. It is possible that it was just a virus that I had a hard time fighting. Twelve days in a row with a fever is not a whole lot of fun!
On Saturday we had 20 riders come out to the lake for a tandem ride. It was a beautiful day for all. I met them for lunch in Middleville and we had a great pot luck at the campground in the evening. It was a busy day, but it was great to see everyone. On Sunday we had a visit from one of my dear friends from high school. Thanks, Donna for coming out - it was so great to see you.
I had my second Taxotere on Monday and my first Herceptin. I have two more Taxotere infusions and a year of Herceptin - given every three weeks. So far, so good. I was feeling good enough to go back out to the campground after my chemo on Monday and had a good day yesterday. We are home now and Len is off to work. Julie and Jason gave me the chemo surprise this time. They gave me the beautiful necklace that I am wearing in this picture, some daily inspiration note cards, three magnets for the refrigerator (my favorite one says "It is okay for me to take a nap") and some jelly bellys. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Better living through drugs!

What a difference a day makes! I am feeling so much better today and haven't had a fever since the middle of the night last night. I think that I had a sinus infection, since now I have relief from a headache and major drainage. I am on the road to recovery - yeah!

We are going camping today after Len gets out of work and hope to enjoy the time away. We have scheduled a tandem bike ride and potluck on Saturday from the campground and I now am looking forward to it. I probably won't be riding, but it will be great to be a part of the group anyway that I can.

Our daughters are planning on coming out on Friday with the kids. We are looking forward to them joining us for the day.

My eighth chemo is this coming Monday and I have my second mastectomy surgery scheduled for September 8. I am able to feel the progress in my treatment moving along.

Thank God for good drugs - I am so happy to be feeling better!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fevers Continue and Surgery Scheduled

I am still experiencing fevers off and on each day. I had blood drawn for cultures yesterday and they showed no growth. I guess this is good news - but I still don't have an answer why I am still getting fevers. I just got off the phone with the nurse at the cancer center and she is calling in an antibiotic in hopes that they can get me feeling better before my next chemo (Monday, July 13).

We had a productive day visiting with my radiation oncologist and my breast surgeon. If I can stay on track with my chemo, I will be having my left side mastectomy the week of Labor Day and start 6 1/2 weeks of radiation therapy 2-3 weeks later. I am so ready for this to all be done!!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Finally a better day

Yesterday was a better day. I still had a fever Thursday night (my highest 101.2) but it broke in the night. I was told to call the cancer center if my fever got over 100.5. I called when it was 100.7 and the doctor on call said that it wasn't much of a fever and to "keep an eye on it". What is that supposed to mean? Keep an eye on it to what temperature? I felt really low after that and felt that he didn't care. Thankfully it didn't get much higher. It has been a strange week - fever normal throughout the day and going up starting around 4pm. I added a new symptom yesterday. I seem to have developed hand and foot syndrome. It is on the heels of my feet and it is like having a sunburn and dry cracked skin. Fun to walk on. The oncologist's office was closed yesterday so I searched the internet for what to do. I have taken extra Vitamin B6 and applied Bag Balm to the areas and iced them. It seems to help. They were quite sore yesterday, but seem to be clearing. I also found out that this condition will only get worse with progressive treatments and that they may have to change to a different chemo, lengthen the time between treatments or reduce the amount that they give me each time. So, a new development! Whoopee!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

First Taxotere

I have had another rough week. The Taxotere hit me hard. I have been laying low, with aches and pain, diarhea and a low grade fever for the past 3 days and now have a thrush infection. Len took me into the cancer center today after I talked to my nurse. She wanted to check my blood levels. Surprisingly the levels were better than she expected. She hooked me up to an IV giving me one liter of hydration in hopes of "perking" me up. She thinks that I may have a virus or possibly just run down from getting my Taxotere too soon after the FEC. I am so tired of being tired all the time! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Len and I will be celebrating our 33rd wedding anniversary on Friday. Of course, he is working 9-9 so the celebration will have to wait until Saturday. We are so lucky to have spent so many great years together and look forward to many, many more. We would also like to wish our daughter and son-in-law (Robyn and Dustin) happy 5th anniversary - they were also married on July 3.

Happy 4th of July to all of our friends and family! We love you all and appreciate all the support!
