Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What a difference a year makes!

It was one year ago today that we were sitting, nervously awaiting the results of my biopsies. We have been through a lot over the past 12 months, but are now looking forward to many good times ahead, thanks to God's healing hands.

I am sorry that I haven't kept my blog up to date. I have been feeling almost like my old self again. I still have radiation pain/burn that I am dealing with under my right arm. It is amazing how long it takes to heal, but it seems to be improving (minutely) every day.

I had my 11th Herceptin infusion yesterday. I have 6 more to go and then I will be able to get my port out. My last infusion is scheduled for June 7. The reconstruction of my left breast has been delayed due to major medical treatments that my plastic surgeon is getting. He hopes to back to work late March to early April. So tentatively I am hoping for an early April surgery. I would just like to get this all behind me, so that I can have a great summer!

I had my physical with my primary care doctor yesterday. After reviewing my recent year, he feels that I am currently one of his healthy patients. That is quite a change from this time last year. I have come a long way!

Of course, I have to share a few new pictures of our youngest grandchildren. Hailey is now 3 months old and Katelyn is 5 weeks old.