Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fluid Buildup

I had another 10 ounces of fluid drained from around my implant today. My plastic surgeon doesn't know why this is happening and has concerns that I may have a problem after my surgery. During my left mastectomy surgery, he plans on exchanging the right side tissue expander with a silicone implant. His concern is that I will be starting radiation 3 weeks after surgery and if an infection develops he may have to remove the implant and he doesn't want to work on irradiated tissue. He also wants to get the tissue expander out since it has flipped out of position and has been really uncomfortable for me. So far there is no sign of infection, just unexplained fluid buildup. It is possible that it was caused by the chemo and that the farther out from the chemo the less fluid I will have. Let's hope that is the case.

Over all I have been feeling better. The farther out from chemo I get, the stronger I feel. With the fluid gone I should have a great week ahead. Surgery is still scheduled for September 8.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bouncing Back

I am finally starting to bounce back. My white and red blood count tested really low last Monday. Thank God that I don't have to go back for more chemo tomorrow! I can enjoy my Monday for a change! In addition to being tired and sore, I developed a urinary tract infection. I guess that goes along with a low white blood cell count. Only 16 days until my left side mastectomy, so I plan on feeling great by then. Hopefully we will be able to get some short bike rides in between now and then.
I have been spending a lot of my time quilting. I just finished a pink and green baby quilt for Robyn and Dustin - we are so hoping that she is carrying a girl since the ultrasound wasn't 100 percent conclusive. The top two pictures show this baby quilt. I have really had fun learning how to machine free hand quilt as you should be able to tell from the picture of the back of this quilt (the green picture). I also made a quilt for our house (the one with the animals) and a tote bag for me. I have several projects in mind to do. I think that I have really become addicted! Thanks, Marge for encouraging me to get started.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Let the HAIR begin!

The end of chemotherapy signals the start of the SLOW regrowth of hair. This picture shows the progression of hair growth thanks to the artist Karin Stack. Ms. Stack was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1998 and to deal with her illness she chronicled the post-chemotherapy phase of her cancer. She took 52 successive pictures taken of her scalp at one week intervals as her hair grew back. This should give you and us an idea of what to expect. Let the hair growth begin!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Chemo is done!!!!!!!!!

Click on pictures for larger view.

I had my last chemo this morning. Yeah!!!! Now I just have to deal with the side effects for a couple of weeks and then on to better days. I still face additional surgery and radiation but that should be a lot easier than chemo. I thank all of you for the support you have given me over the past 6 months. I am so blessed to have such a great spouse, great family, great friends and such a Great God to watch over me through everything.

Our house was decorated (inside and out) in a "Graduation from Chemo" theme when we got home, thanks to all three kids and their families. I think they are just as happy as we are to have this behind them. Now we can concentrate of healing. We also had two meals delivered - many thanks to our "angels" Karen and Betsy.

My dad got home from the hospital at noon today - another answer to prayers.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pressure Relieved !!!!

I am feeling much better - I just had almost 12 ounces of fluid drained from around my tissue expander in my right breast. My breast is now 1/2 the size that it was. It is amazing how painful that can be. Thank you, Dr Livingston for relieving my pain! He is not sure why I developed the fluid, but it does not appear to be from an infection. I am just glad that it is gone!! My appointment was supposed to be a pre-surgery consult. Obviously, that didn't happen - I rescheduled that for next week.

My dad is in the hospital with two blood clots in his lungs and congestive heart failure. He had surgery on his shoulder last week. He has been retaining fluid in his legs for some time and is also diabetic. He has been put on a strict diet as well as on coumadin for the blood clot and a diuretic for the fluid retention. He seems to be doing well, according to my mom. Please pray that this continues and that the medical team can determine where the blood clots are coming from (legs or shoulder).

My last chemo is Monday. I am so happy to be almost done with this portion of my treatment. I hope to be feeling so much better in a few weeks and am really looking forward to seeing some hair growth soon. From what I have heard, I should have some growth about a month after the end of chemo. I am really curious to see how what it will look like - probably curly and gray. I don't care, I will just be happy to have hair again!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Baby ..........?

My lab tests today were really good. I am surprised at how well the neulasta shot works. My white blood count was the highest it has been since I started chemo. I am still experiencing fatigue, but that is to be expected. I will soon be over with this part of my treatment. My last chemo is next Monday. Yeah!

Robyn and Dustin had an ultrasound today. They are having a baby ............. No boy parts were seen, but it wasn't conclusive that it was a girl. Robyn was so looking forward to finding out ahead of time. She isn't sure if the insurance will pay for another ultrasound, so it may be a surprise - just like in the "old days". So much for shopping ahead of time!